You're all done! You are now armed-and-dangerous with SQL and SQLite knowledge. Hopefully this course shed some light on how best to approach SQLite and how to take it from being a quick-fix to get you going on a small project all the way up to making large deployments with LiteFS and libSQL.

People like to ask me what I like to use personally. My first answer to that is "the right tool for the job." There are so many databases out there that are amazing that we are spoiled for choice. If you haven't, [check out my intro to databases][db] if you want an overview of not just Postgres but MongoDB, Redis, and Neo4j. However, in general, after so many years of using it, I typically reach for Postgres. That said, SQLite has grown on me recently so it may make more use of it! In other words, really hard to go wrong here.

Let's review what we went over!

  • What SQLite is and how to get it running
  • The basics of SQL and querying a database
  • How to build apps with SQLite and Node.js
  • What's unique to SQLite
  • How to performance tune queries
  • How to use the JSON extension
  • How to scale SQLite with Litestream, LiteFS, and libSQL
  • Local-first development with libSQL

I hope you enjoyed the course! Please build amazing things and let me know what you use this new-found knowledge with!